
Philly Weekend

Dinner with friends,
old and new

ya'll got drunk
nothing new

crammed into
my car
going to a show

like we're all
18 again
or 22

punk house was

but for the lovely garden;
still zinnias
in late fall

back yard patio

enter through the kitchen
where the merch is

down a semi-walled
(jagged drywall knife
on the floor,
didn't catch my eye
until we left)

show space is dark,
walls black
and nuts to butts

waiting for who we've
come to see

meeting nice punk rock
by the near-useless fan
that's cooling me

and back to friends
cause who'd you come
to see?

band starts
about to hit some shit
up front
not knowing, but knowing
exactly what
to expect

what a show for all

like we're young again

arms of strangers around me
singing, falling,
screaming along

and during I notice
just how damned awful
sweaty I've become

and despite all the
nightly alcohol,
how pretty darned good
this band's got on

odd hot, humid November night
leave straight after
and stay up talking

old friend's forgotten
how loudly I'd
ground my teeth

learn how he and she
nightly, in unison,
grind theirs in soft, shrill
song together

I ain't bitter
ain't bitter,
cause how else does this
friendship find itself?

how does love work,
anyway, all by itself?

in spite of distance
and space
and years between

in spite of ourselves,
our lives,
and all we've seen

recalling what we've forgotten,
ill-will, hurt feelings,
and time we've spent

coming together
to be in good cheer
and bond again

To share our souls
as once you'd told me

Speed along home
through the night
with my husband

talk all the while
about art
and perception
and appreciation of things

sleep not enough
wake up with the late
dawn's light

and sometime

find time to
sneak away
and buy
yet another
gold and
diamond ring

November 8, 2015

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